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知っ得!『処理水放出と中国による日本の水産物輸入禁止』を英語で分かり易く話す【ネイティブ英会話 アットイングリッシュ】

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今回は、アットイングリッシュで扱った 2023年のニュース、「福島第一原発の処理水放出と中国による日本の水産物輸入禁止」についてのディスカッションを元に、英語の基礎用語とネイティブの英語表現をご紹介していきます。









Fukushima nuclear plant – 福島原子力発電所
Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant – 福島第一原子力発電所
Pacific Ocean – 太平洋
Chinese Foreign Ministry Spokesperson – 中国外務省報道官


Releasing treated radioactive water – 処理済み放射性水の放出
Discharge of treated waste water – 処理済み排水の放出
Discharge over the next 30 years – 次の30年にわたって放出される
Decommissioning the plant – 発電所の廃止
Filtering and diluting – 濾過および希釈
Evacuate from the area – その地域から避難する
Approved the plan – 計画を承認した
Monitor levels of radiation – 放射線量をモニタリングする


Opposition from its neighbours – 近隣諸国からの反対
Alarm across Asia and the Pacific – アジアと太平洋地域での警戒
Protestso – 抗議者
Uproar in neighbouring countries – 近隣諸国で騒ぎ
Endorsed the plan – 計画を承認


Tepco – 東京電力
IAEA – 国際原子力機関(IAEA:International Atomic Energy Agency)
International Atomic Energy Agency – 国際原子力機関
UN’s nuclear watchdog – 国連の原子力監視機関
Environmental activist group Greenpeace – 環境活動団体グリーンピース
Pacific Islands Forum – 太平洋諸島フォーラム


China – 中国
South Korea – 韓国
Japan – 日本
Ban on seafood imports – 海産物輸入の禁止
Block all such imports – これらの輸入を全てブロックする
A longstanding ban on some Japanese seafood – 一部の日本の海産物に対する長期の禁止令
Import curbs on some Japanese food products – 一部の日本食品への輸入制限


Contaminated water – 汚染水
Radioactive substances tritium and carbon-14 – 放射性物質トリチウムと炭素14
Dilute it with seawater – 海水で薄める
Sustainable long-term solution – 持続可能な長期的解決策
Negligible impact on the environment – 環境への軽微な影響
Radiation doses – 放射線量
Safety standards – 安全基準
Lack of transparency – 透明性の欠如
Marine environment, food safety and public health – 海洋環境、食品安全、公衆衛生


“Contaminated water” and “ALPS treated water” are different. Water that is contaminated contains harmful substances, in this case, radioactive materials generated by the nuclear accident.

ALPS-treated water has been purified to meet the regulatory standards for environmental release. The only radioactive substance left is tritium, which is difficult to remove.

Tritium can affect the human body’s red blood cells, but only if very large amounts are ingested. For this reason, nuclear facilities around the world consider it safe to release treated water into the natural environment where it becomes very diluted.


This article discusses the negative impact on Japan’s fishing industry as a result of the Chinese government’s recent decision to place a ban on the importation of all Japanese marine products.

China’s position is that releasing treated water from Fukushima’s damaged nuclear power plant poses a serious threat to the environment and anyone who eats seafood caught in that area, despite the preponderance of scientific evidence to the contrary.

Q. この記事で使われている”economic coercion(経済的威圧)”の意味は?

1. In this case, “economic coercion” refers to the pressure that China is putting on Japan by refusing to allow food imports.
(いいね: economic coercion)
(いいね: the pressure that China is putting on Japan)

2. This is going to cause a lot of problems for Japan’s fishing industry, which is heavily dependent on its ability to export seafood to China.
(いいね: This is going to cause a lot of problems for __)
(いいね: __ is heavily dependent on __)

3. Given the rising tensions between China and the United States, this is most likely meant to force Japan to adopt a more China-friendly political stance, which the hope will damage the strong relationship between Japan and the United States.
(いいね: Given)
(いいね: the rising tensions between China and the United States)
(いいね: this is most likely meant to,)

4. In the context of this article, ‘economic coercion’ refers to the Chinese government placing economic pressure on Japan’s government by forcing them to find new markets for twenty percent of the Japanese marine exports.
(いいね: Chinese government placing economic pressure on Japan’s government)

5. The Chinese government hopes their decision will make the Japanese government more receptive when negotiating with them on other matters of international importance.
(いいね: more receptive)
(いいね: other matters of international importance)

Q. 中国の人々がIAEA(International Atomic Energy Agency) – 国際原子力機関の報告書を信じないのはなぜだと思いますか?

1. It’s important to remember that most people in China don’t have access to uncensored world news.
(いいね: have access to __)
(いいね: uncensored world news)

2. They’re forced to rely on their government and its media outlets for news reports. This has probably resulted in a lot of skewed information, fake news, and outright lies in Chinese media.
(いいね: They’re forced to rely on __)
(いいね: This has probably resulted in __)

3. Some people in China are probably very suspicious of it and worry that it’s not accurate.
(いいね: Some people in China are probably very suspicious of it)

4. I believe that Chinese citizens don’t trust the International Atomic Energy Agency report simply because China’s government tightly controls the media and restricts internet access to outside sources of information, which makes it easy for their government to ‘shape the narrative’ of reports according to what they believe is in the Chinese government’s best interests.
(いいね: simply because)
(いいね: China’s government tightly controls the media)
(いいね: __ restricts internet access to outside sources of information)
(いいね: shape the narrative)
(いいね: the Chinese government’s best interests)

Q. この状況に対して、日本政府はどのような措置を取るべきだと思いますか?

1. I’m not sure whether it’s possible for the Japanese government to repair the relationship with China without making some major concessions that might make Japan’s situation worse, in the future.
(いいね: I’m not sure whether it’s possible __)
(いいね: to repair the relationship with China)
(いいね: without making some major concessions)

2. If possible, the best solution might be to find other trading partners who are willing to take on larger amounts of Japanese food exports. Some possibilities include Thailand, Australia, Vietnam or even the United States and Canada. North America might do this just to undermine China’s influence in the region.
(いいね: the best solution might be __)
(いいね: __ are willing to take on larger amounts of Japanese food)
(いいね: to undermine China’s influence in the region)

3. The Japanese government should continue to publicize the unfairness of China’s decision, seek the help of whatever international trade organizations they can appeal to, and assist the Japanese fishing industry in identifying new markets for their products.
(いいね: to publicize the unfairness of China’s decision)
(いいね: seek the help)
(いいね: identifying new markets for their products)

4. Japan’s government should also consider potential countermeasures they could employ to induce the Chinese government to remove the ban, although this could lead to further deterioration of relations between the two countries.
(いいね: potential countermeasures)
(いいね: to induce the Chinese government to remove the ban)
(いいね: further deterioration of relations)

Q. 5年後、この問題はどうなっていると思いますか?

1. I actually did some research, and it seems like China’s own food situation is not very secure or stable. China’s population is about 1.4 billion people, and the country does not produce enough food to sustain itself, meaning that it needs to rely on imports to meet some of its needs.
(いいね: I actually did some research,)
(いいね: the country does not produce enough food to sustain itself)
(いいね: it needs to rely on imports to meet some of its needs)

2. Given the amount of pollution in China’s own coastal waters, and the amount of arable land they’ve destroyed through industrialization, I think that they will need to allow Japanese imports in the next five years, unless they can find other trading partners.
(いいね: Given the amount of pollution in China’s own coastal waters)
(いいね: the amount of arable land)

3. It’s difficult to predict what might happen over the next five years, as there are so many possible variables involved, but I do believe that China’s behaviour will further underscore their complete disregard for international treaties and fair practices.
(いいね: It’s difficult to predict what might happen)
(いいね: there are so many possible variables involved,)
(いいね: identifying new markets for their products)

4. Hopefully, many countries will direct their trade and commerce away from dependence on China, and act in unison to force improvements in how China’s government behaves in a number of different areas.
(いいね: many countries will direct their trade and commerce away from dependence on China)
(いいね: act in unison)

Q. 多くの科学的根拠にも関わらず、処理水を「核汚染水」と決めつけることは、世界の原子力に対する認識にどのような影響を与えると考えますか?

1. The words “nuclear contaminated” immediately make people think of toxic and dangerous radioactive waste, and this will have a big impact on what they think about nuclear energy.
(いいね: this will have a big impact on __)

2. The unfortunate fact is that many people don’t have the time or the inclination to do their own research into nuclear power, and they rely on the media to tell them what the media wants them to know.
(いいね: The unfortunate fact is that __)
(いいね: to do their own research into nuclear power)
(いいね: they rely on the media to tell them what the media wants them to know)

3. As a result, they’re only familiar with these words in relation to high-profile nuclear accidents, and they don’t understand the safety precautions that are normally taken when managing nuclear facilities and treating waste water.
(いいね: As a result,)
(いいね: they’re only familiar wit __)
(いいね: the safety precautions that are normally taken)

4. The Chinese government’s characterization of the treated water as nuclear-contamination of the ocean will undermine support for the usage of nuclear energy in future, and distract discussion of more important issues related to this source of power.
(いいね: undermine support for the usage of nuclear energy)
(いいね: distract discussion of more important issues)

5. Governments need to devote more time and energy to providing safe, long-term storage of nuclear waste, or its neutralization, which has never been achieved in the seventy plus years history of the industry.
(いいね: __ need to devote more time and energy to __)
(いいね: , which has never been achieved in the seventy plus years history)



IAEA Finds Japan’s Plans to Release Treated Water into the Sea at Fukushima Consistent with International Safety Standards



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