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英語で【取り上げる】10個の表現│会議、面接のビジネス英語 アットイングリッシュ

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address – 問題や話題を取り上げる
feature / highlight – 取り上げる、焦点を当てる
capture / attract attention – 取り上げる、特に注目させる
pick up / select – 取り上げる、選ぶ
review / examine – 取り上げる、調べる
discuss / deliberate – 取り上げる、~について話す
take on / undertake – 取り上げる、引き受ける

interview / invite onto a show – 取り上げる、メディアなどで紹介する

seize / confiscate – 取り上げる、没収する
take away / withdraw – 取り上げる、持って行く


address /əˈdres/ – 問題や話題を取り上げる

The CEO addressed the concerns of the employees in the meeting.

feature /ˈfiː.tʃər/ – 取り上げる、焦点を当てる

The magazine featured an article about the latest technology trends.

capture /ˈkæp.tʃər/ – 取り上げる、特に注目させる

The new advertisement captured the attention of many potential customers.

pick up /pɪk ʌp/ – 取り上げる、選ぶ

The company will pick up the best candidates for the job.

review /rɪˈvjuː/ – 取り上げる、調べる

The team will review the project before presenting it to the client.

discuss /dɪˈskʌs/ – 取り上げる、~について話す

The board of directors will discuss the company’s future plans at the next meeting.

take on /teɪk ɑːn/ – 取り上げる、引き受ける

The company decided to take on the new project despite the risks.

interview /ˈɪn.tə.vjuː/ – 取り上げる、メディアなどで紹介する

The celebrity was interviewed by a famous TV show host.

seize /siːz/ – 取り上げる

The customs officials seized the illegal drugs at the border.

take away /teɪk əˈweɪ/ – 取り上げる、持って行く

The waiter will take away the empty plates from the table.


意見を取り上げる – Address an opinion

The manager addressed the employee’s concerns during the meeting.

モノを取り上げられる – Have something confiscated

The passenger had their liquids confiscated at airport security.

番組で取り上げる – Feature on a program

The TV show featured an interview with the CEO of the company.

メディアで取り上げられる – Be covered by the media

The company’s new product was covered by several major news outlets.

物を取り上げる – Confiscate an item

The security guard confiscated the unauthorized visitor’s badge.

着目する(取り上げて着目する) – Focus on

The team decided to focus on improving customer satisfaction.

検討する (取り上げて検討する) – Consider

The board of directors will consider the proposal at the next meeting.

調べる (取り上げて調べる) – Investigate

The HR department is investigating the allegations of harassment.

紹介する (取り上げる) – Introduce

The sales representative will introduce the new product to potential customers.

集める (集めて取り上げる) – Gather

The marketing team will gather feedback from customers on the new ad campaign.

優先する (取り上げて優先する) – Prioritize

The project manager will prioritize the tasks and delegate them to team members.

提供:中級・上級者向けビジネス英会話 @English/アットイングリッシュ

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