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Thank you for having me.(お招きいただきありがとうございます) を活用|ビジネス会議、英語面接、オンライン英会話での使い方



「Thank you for having me」は、日本語で「お招きいただきありがとうございます」と訳されます。



i) Thank you for having me today. I look forward to discussing potential collaboration opportunities.

ii) I appreciate the opportunity, thank you for having me. Let’s dive into the agenda.

iii) Thank you for having me in this important meeting. I’m eager to share my insights on the project.

iv) Thank you for having me on board. I’m confident that our collaboration will be fruitful.

v) It’s a pleasure to be here, thank you for having me. I hope we can make significant progress today.


Thank you for having me in this galaxy of brilliant minds, I feel like a star among constellations!


類義表現・類似表現:I appreciate the invitation, I’m grateful to be here, Thanks for inviting me


I extend my sincere gratitude for your kind invitation. It is indeed a privilege to be in your esteemed presence.


i) Thank you for having me in this virtual class. I’m ready to explore the intricacies of the English language.

ii) I appreciate your warm welcome, thank you for having me. Shall we dive into today’s lesson?

iii) It’s an honor to join you all, thank you for having me. I hope to contribute to our learning experience.

iv) Thank you for having me in this interactive session. I am keen to enhance my conversational skills.

v) I’m excited to be part of this online community, thank you for having me. I look forward to fruitful discussions.


i) Thank you for having me for this interview. I’m enthusiastic about the opportunity to work with your esteemed company.

ii) I appreciate the chance to speak with you, thank you for having me. I’m excited to discuss my qualifications and experiences.

iii) It’s a pleasure to meet you all, thank you for having me. I’m eager to demonstrate how I can contribute to your team.

iv) Thank you for having me here. I look forward to providing insights into my skills and how they align with the needs of your company.

v) I’m grateful for the opportunity to be interviewed by such a renowned company, thank you for having me. I’m ready to answer your questions and discuss potential collaboration.


i) Thank you for having me in this international conference. I’m looking forward to exchanging ideas and learning from each other.

ii) It’s a pleasure to join this virtual meeting, thank you for having me. I believe our discussions today will bring valuable insights.

iii) Thank you for having me in this collaborative session. I’m eager to explore potential partnerships and innovative solutions.

iv) I appreciate the invitation to this global forum, thank you for having me. Let’s work together to address the challenges and seize the opportunities.

v) Thank you for having me at this crucial juncture. I’m confident that our collective efforts will lead to successful outcomes.


「Thank you for having me」は礼儀正しい表現ですが、使用する状況と相手に注意が必要です。あまりにもカジュアルな状況では適切でないこともありますし、逆に非常にフォーマルな場ではより丁寧な言い回しを用いることが望ましいでしょう。また、この表現は主に自分がゲストや招待者として参加する際に使われるものですので、ホスト側が使うと不適切です。






「分かる」「伝える」部分は、AI がやってくれます。






