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知っ得!英語表現『イーロン・マスク 最近のニュース』ネイティブ英会話でTwitter、AI、Teslaを語る

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Elon Musk (イーロン・マスク)- 意外に書けない人が多い
harmful posts or fake news(有害な投稿とフェイクニュース)
takeover bid of …(買収のための株式公開買付け)
freedom of speech(言論の自由)

最近のイーロン・マスク氏の動き(Twitter、AI、Tesla ほか)

Elon Musk founded X.AI Corp., an AI company inspired by his vision for an all-encompassing app called X. Twitter, also owned by Musk, rebranded as X Corp., with X Holdings Corp. as its parent company, and moved incorporation from Delaware to Nevada. Recently, Musk and other tech leaders called for a six-month moratorium on advanced AI development to establish safety standards and mitigate potential risks.
イーロン・マスクは、「X」というすべてを網羅するアプリの構想から着想を得たAI企業、X.AI Corp.を設立しました。そして、同じくマスクが所有するTwitterは、X Holdings Corp.を親会社とするX Corp.に再ブランド化され、法人登記をデラウェアからネバダに移しました。なお、最近、マスクと他の技術リーダーたちは、安全基準を確立し、潜在的なリスクを軽減するために、高度なAI開発の6カ月間のモラトリアムを呼びかけていました。

Elon Musk, Tesla Inc. CEO, and other notable tech executives and AI researchers, such as AI pioneer Yoshua Bengio, advocate for a pause in the rapid development of powerful new AI tools. They suggest a moratorium of six months or more to establish safety standards for AI design and mitigate potential risks associated with the most hazardous AI technologies.

58% of the more than 17 million Twitter users who voted said Mr. Musk should leave as head of Twitter. He had said when he launched the Twitter poll that he would abide by the results.

Elon Musk asked Twitter users to vote on whether he should step down as head of the social-media platform, pledging to abide by the poll results. This latest twist adds to the company’s tumultuous period since his October takeover. In his tweet, Musk offered users two response options: “Yes” or “No.”

Over the weekend, Twitter Inc. executed another wave of job cuts, according to sources familiar with the situation. These recent layoffs are part of the ongoing staff reductions under the company’s new owner, Elon Musk.

Elon Musk set high expectations for Twitter employees by demanding a commitment to work long, intense hours and maintain exceptional performance. Employees were given a deadline to confirm their dedication to the company, and those who chose not to commit received three months’ severance.

Mr. Mask’s comments on Twitter Inc.’s potential bankruptcy during an all-hands meeting have intensified the chaos surrounding the platform since his takeover. Addressing the company’s dire economic challenges, he emphasized the need for employees to return to the office and revealed that he sold Tesla shares to support Twitter.

Tesla has lost roughly 30% of its value since April, after the start of the will-he-or-won’t-he drama around Mr. Musk’s investment in Twitter.

I understand the feelings of Elon Musk’s followers, and as well, people who’ve invested in Tesla might want to tell Mr. Musk that Twitter is an unnecessary distraction and he should focus on Tesla.


Q. イーロン・マスク氏がTwitterの買収を考えた理由は何だと思いますか?

イーロンマスク氏 twitter買収の理由

1. At a random guess, I expect it was because Twitter became available.

2. Considering the point on another level, he must have had some astute advisors, who suggested to him that this would be a good investment. Either way, it seems hard to go wrong with this purchase, if one has enough money.

3. Twitter is a favorite platform for many politicians, celebrities, and members of the younger generation. It’s clear that Musk is annoyed by some of Twitter’s policies and has decided to take charge in order to make changes to the platform.
ツイッターは、多くの政治家や有名人、若い世代に人気のプラットフォームです。 マスク氏は幾つかの方針にイラ立っていて、このプラットフォームに変更を加えるために引き取ることを決めたのは明らかです。

4. It’s also important to consider Musk’s offer in terms of the current geopolitical situation. Considering what has been happening in Ukraine, he’s most likely thinking about the importance of the Internet and the service he provides through Starlink. At the same time, he might have re-evaluated his stance and found the importance of communication platforms such as Twitter.
今の地政学的状況の観点からマスク氏のオファーを考慮することも重要です。 ウクライナで起こっていることを考えてみると、彼はおそらくネットと自分のStarlinkの重要性について真剣に検討しています。 同時に彼は自分の立ち位置を見直す中で、Twitterなどのコミュニケーションプラットフォームの重要性を発見したのかもしれません。

5. Compared to what we have heard from Ukraine, the information coming out of Russia seems limited. This may also explain why China has established its own communication platforms, locking out Facebook and Twitter. Having control of a platform where you can reach and potentially influence people all over the worldwide would be a valuable asset for Musk.


Twitter に対するイーロン・マスク氏の買収についてです。約440億ドル(5.6兆円)と言われるこの買収、Twitter の経営改革と、同氏の「言論の自由は民主主義の基盤だ」という声明に顕れているように、より自由な投稿が可能になるのではないかということが注目されています。近年、SNSを巡って、中傷やフェイクニュースなど、有害投稿が問題になっており、現在、投稿は監視され、有害と見做されると削除やアカウントの凍結が行われています。2021年の米連邦議会の占拠事件では、暴力をあおる恐れがあるとして、Twitterはトランプ前大統領のアカウントを永久凍結しました。

日本でも個人に対する誹謗中傷や、ウクライナ危機、ワクチンに関するデマ情報の拡散は問題になっています。EU では、違法な情報の削除義務を課す法律導入が進められています。SNS上の言論の自由と、有害と見做される定義、SNS の経営について考えてみましょう。<2022年4月の記事>

Q. まずは、記事を要約してみましょう。

イーロンマスク twitter買収 要旨

1. This article is an editorial in which the author expresses their concerns about Elon Musk’s recent efforts to purchase Twitter.

2. The author argues that Elon Musk does not have a track record of always being responsible when it comes to the posts he makes on social media, as he was charged by U.S. regulatory authorities with securities fraud in 2018 after posting multiple misleading tweets.

3. The author argues that free speech cannot come at the expense of protecting the public from harmful posts or fake news.

4. The article expresses concern about the Elon Musk takeover bid of Twitter, and in particular draws our attention to a contradiction, which is that even though social media is considered a public platform, Musk may reduce it to something that is far more compatible with his own private concerns.

5. Indeed, the fact that Musk has previously made gestures toward removing the company from the public offering is already a worry.

Q. SNSメディアによる、有害と思われるコンテンツの監視と削除に関する現状を考えますか?

1. I understand why SNS companies may want to police their content, and that this goes hand-in-hand with protecting themselves from liability. I do think, however, that they often take this policy a bit too far, especially since most of the monitoring that takes place is done via programs and algorithms that can’t actually understand the contents and often make mistakes.

2. I would like to see more freedom in terms of what people can post and more individual responsibility with people doing their own research and parents monitoring what their children read online.

3. I dislike how it is currently taking place intensely, as I think that those who are moderating social media are either going about it pretty randomly or else have no idea what they are doing, in terms of the broader context and long-term consequences.

4. So far, I have noticed that what the moderators consider harmful is almost the same as what is considered controversial. Despite this, such things need debate, not repression, and not deletion.
今のところ、モデレーターが有害と見なしているものというのは、物議を醸しそうなものとほぼ同じであることに気づきました。 ですが、そういったものは、抑圧や削除をするのではなく、議論すべき事柄なのです。

Q. イーロン・マスク氏は、SNSについて、何を危惧しているのだと思いますか?

1. I think he’s worried that Twitter is being too strict in terms of the content that they allow and that this policy is damaging its integrity as a news source.

2. I think he’s just acting out a personal vendetta because he’s upset that they’ve censored his posts in the past.

3. Elon Musk is an entrepreneur and a businessman, who wants to expand his range of influence with an opportunity that interests him. His concerns about free speech may be partly genuine but likely is also an excuse to open up social media to a wider range of influences, which are those more in line with his “free market” ideals.
イーロン・マスク氏は起業家でビジネスマンです。彼の利益になるチャンスとともに、影響力の範囲を拡大したいと考えています。 言論の自由に関する彼の懸念は部分的には本物かもしれませんが、ソーシャルメディアを彼の「自由市場」の理念に沿って、より広い範囲に影響を及ぼすよう開放するための言い訳でもあうようです。

4. To some extent these may be anti-democratic, in that they favor the influence of corporations over the influence of governments.

Q. イーロン・マスク氏の経営が始まったら、ツイッター、そしてSNSは、どう変わると思いますか?

1. I think it’s likely that Elon Musk will “open up” Twitter and allow a lot more content that was previously censored, leaving it up to individuals to decide whether or not whatever they’re reading is accurate.

2. There’s a fine line between inaccurate and offensive and outright illegal. I think that Elon is too smart of a businessperson to allow a company that he owns to actually break the laws in the United States and open itself up to financial penalties.
正確でないもの、攻撃的なもの、完全に違法な投稿の間には微妙な境界線があります。 イーロンはビジネスマンとして非常に頭が良く、所有する会社が実際に米国の法律に違反し、罰金を科せられるようなことは許さないと思います。

3. He is a successful businessman with a cult of personality. This will probably help Twitter to remain profitable.
彼(イーロン・マスク氏)は成功した実業家で、カルト的なリーダーです。これはおそらくツイッ ターが収益性を維持する助けとなります。

Q. SNSにおける「有害な投稿」とは、どんなものでしょうか?

SNS 有害な投稿

5. I’d define a “harmful post” as something which encourages violence against an individual or group, perpetuates hateful stereotypes, or incites people to commit acts that harm themselves or others.

6. While false or misleading statements or news stories can cause harmful effects, I hesitate to police them because this can lead to much wider censorship.


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「分かる」「伝える」部分は、AI がやってくれます。






