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英語表現:yes and no(はい、であり、いいえです)を活用|ビジネス会議、英語面接、オンライン英会話での使い方


1) 使用状況と意味、解説

「yes and no」は一般的に、答えが単純な「はい」や「いいえ」だけでは表せない複雑な状況や多角的な要因を持つ質問に対する返答として用いられます。ビジネスの場面での戦略や計画の議論、英語の面接での候補者の経験や意見についての質問、さらにオンライン英会話のクラスでの学びの進捗に関する質問など、答えが一義的ではない場合に特にこの表現が活用されることが多いです。

2) ビジネスコンテクストでの使用例


Is the project on track for the deadline? Yes and no. While the design phase is ahead, the development is slightly behind schedule.

Do you think our marketing strategy is effective? Yes and no. It’s working well in urban areas but not in rural regions.

Is the new software user-friendly? Yes and no. For tech-savvy individuals, it’s great, but beginners might find it challenging.

Are we leading in the market shares? Yes and no. We are leading in the domestic market but lagging internationally.

Do you find the new policy beneficial? Yes and no. It has its advantages, but there are also unforeseen consequences.

3) 面白い使用例

Is coffee better than tea? Yes and no. Coffee wakes me up, but tea calms me down.

4) 類義表現、類似表現

It depends. (それによる)
Partly. (部分的には)

Definitely yes. (確かにそう)
Absolutely not. (絶対に違う)

5) 洗練された表現

The situation is multifaceted.

6) オンライン英会話での使用例

Did you grasp today’s topic? Yes and no. I understood the grammar, but the vocabulary was tricky.

Was the lesson too fast for you? Yes and no. I followed the listening part, but the reading was a bit too quick.

Did the homework help? Yes and no. The writing practice was beneficial, but I struggled with the speaking task.

Are you comfortable with the current lesson frequency? Yes and no. The weekdays are fine, but weekends are a bit hectic.

Was the teacher’s explanation clear? Yes and no. The visuals were helpful, but I got lost in the technical details.

7) 英語面接での使用例


Have you managed large teams? Yes and no. I’ve led projects with diverse teams, but not strictly in terms of numbers.

Are you familiar with all our products? Yes and no. I know the main ones but need more insights on the newer launches.

Do you have experience with remote work? Yes and no. I’ve done some freelance projects remotely, but not full-time remote roles.

Are you proficient in all the tools we use here? Yes and no. I am familiar with the main software, but I may need a brief on the specific in-house tools.

Do you have international experience? Yes and no. I’ve collaborated with international teams, but I’ve never lived abroad for work.

8) 海外とのビデオ会議(ビジネス)での使用例


Do our overseas partners agree with the proposal? Yes and no. They liked the general direction but had concerns about specific details.

Were the results of the global survey positive? Yes and no. European regions were highly favorable, but there was some resistance in Asia.

Is the international team ready for the product launch? Yes and no. The marketing team is set, but logistics is still sorting out a few issues.

Do we have consensus from all regional offices on the new strategy? Yes and no. While Europe and North America are aligned, there are discussions still ongoing in the African and Middle Eastern regions.

Is the feedback from our global clients consistent? Yes and no. They appreciate our efficiency, but there are varying opinions about our pricing.

9) この表現の使用上の注意

「yes and no」は曖昧な答えを示すため、使用する場面を選ぶことが重要です。特にビジネスの場面や、明確な回答が求められる状況では、具体的な理由や詳細を加えて答えることで、相手の混乱や誤解を防ぐことができます。また、この表現を頻繁に使いすぎると、あいまいな態度や判断力の欠如と受け取られる恐れもあります。適切な文脈で、そして必要な情報をしっかりと提供することを心がけることが望ましいです。






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