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英語で【お互い】20の表現│会議、面接のビジネス英語 アットイングリッシュ





each other’s (お互いの)
mutual (相互の)
both parties’ (両者の)
respective (それぞれの)
reciprocal (相互の)
collaborative (協力的な)
interdependent (相互依存の)
joint (共同の)
shared (共有の)
bilateral (二国間の)


each other’s – お互いの

(ˈiːtʃ ˈʌðərz)
The teams should respect each other’s opinions and work together.

mutual – 相互の

The two companies have a mutual agreement to share resources.

both parties’ – 両者の

(boʊθ ˈpɑrtiz)
The contract protects the rights of both parties involved in the agreement.

respective – お互いそれぞれの

Each team member will present their respective findings during the meeting.

reciprocal – 相互の

The partnership is based on reciprocal benefits and shared goals.

collaborative – お互い協力的な

The team members engage in collaborative problem-solving to achieve success.

interdependent – 相互依存の

The departments in the company are interdependent and rely on each other.

joint – お互い共同の

The two companies are involved in a joint venture to expand their market reach.

shared – 共有の

The shared workspace promotes collaboration and knowledge sharing.

bilateral – 二国間の

The countries signed a bilateral trade agreement to strengthen economic ties.


mutually (相互に)
both sides (両側が)
reciprocally (相互に)
jointly (共同で)
collaboratively (協力して)
together (一緒に)
coordinately (調整して)
simultaneously (同時に)
interactively (インタラクティブに)
in tandem (タンデムで)


mutually – 相互に

The two parties reached a mutually beneficial agreement.

both sides – 両側が

(boʊθ saɪdz)
The negotiation requires compromise and understanding from both sides.

reciprocally – 相互に

The companies agreed to reciprocally share market research findings.

jointly – 共同で

The project will be completed jointly by the two departments.

collaboratively – 協力して

The teams worked collaboratively to deliver the project on time.

together – 一緒に

The employees gathered together to discuss the new company policies.

coordinately – 調整して

The teams worked coordinately to ensure a smooth transition.

simultaneously – 同時に

The conference will be held simultaneously in multiple locations.

interactively – インタラクティブに

The software allows users to interactively engage with the content.

in tandem – タンデムで

(ɪn ˈtændəm)
The departments worked in tandem to launch the new product successfully.


お互いを認め合う – acknowledge each other

Sample sentence: In a successful team, members acknowledge and appreciate each other’s contributions.
Japanese translation: 成功するチームでは、メンバーがお互いの貢献を認め合い、評価します。

お互いを助け合う – help each other

Sample sentence: A supportive work environment encourages employees to help each other succeed.
Japanese translation: 助け合う職場環境は従業員が互いに成功を支えることを促します。

お互いのこと – about each other

Sample sentence: Let’s have a meeting to discuss our expectations and concerns about each other’s performance.
Japanese translation: お互いのパフォーマンスについての期待や懸念を話し合うために会議をしましょう。

お互いの利益 – mutual benefit

Sample sentence: The partnership was formed based on mutual benefit and shared business goals.
Japanese translation: パートナーシップは相互の利益と共有のビジネス目標に基づいて形成されました。

お互いの家族 – each other’s families

Sample sentence: The company organizes events where employees can bring their families and get to know each other’s families.
Japanese translation: 会社は従業員が家族を連れて参加し、お互いの家族を知ることができるイベントを企画しています。

お互いのために – for each other

Sample sentence: Let’s collaborate and work for each other’s success.
Japanese translation: 協力し、お互いの成功のために働きましょう。

お互いね – both of us, right?

Sample sentence: We need to complete the project by tomorrow, so let’s do our best, both of us, right?
Japanese translation: 明日までにプロジェクトを完成させる必要があるので、お互い頑張りましょう、ね。

お互いにね – each other, right?

Sample sentence: We have different areas of expertise, so let’s collaborate and learn from each other, right?
Japanese translation: 私たちは異なる専門分野を持っていますので、お互いに協力し合い、学び合いましょう、ね。

お互い助け合う – help each other

Sample sentence: In a strong team, members trust and help each other to overcome challenges.
Japanese translation: 強いチームでは、メンバーがお互いを信頼し、助け合って課題を乗り越えます。

お互い忙しい – both busy

Sample sentence: Let’s find a time that works for both of us to schedule a meeting.
Japanese translation: お互いに都合の良い時間を見つけて、ミーティングの予定を組みましょう。

お互いに頑張りましょう – let’s do our best together

Sample sentence: We have a challenging project ahead, but let’s support each other and do our best.
Japanese translation: 難しいプロジェクトが控えていますが、お互いにサポートし合い、頑張りましょう。

お互いに教え合う – teach/learn from each other

Sample sentence: The mentor and mentee have a mutually beneficial relationship where they teach and learn from each other.
Japanese translation: メンターとメンティーはお互いに教え合い、相互に利益を得る関係です。

お互いにとって – for each other

Sample sentence: This partnership is valuable for both parties involved and brings benefits for each other.
Japanese translation: このパートナーシップは関係する両者にとって価値があり、お互いに利益をもたらします。

お互いに話す – speak to each other

Sample sentence: It’s important for team members to communicate openly and speak to each other about their ideas and concerns.
Japanese translation: チームメンバーがオープンにコミュニケーションを取り、アイデアや懸念をお互いに話すことが重要です。

お互いに楽しみましょう – let’s enjoy together

Sample sentence: The team is going for a team-building activity. Let’s participate and enjoy together!
Japanese translation: チームはチームビルディングの活動に参加します。一緒に楽しみましょう!

お互いに知っている – know each other

Sample sentence: The team members have been working together for a while, so they know each other’s working styles.
Japanese translation: チームメンバーはしばらく一緒に働いているので、お互いの働き方を知っています。

お互いに高め合う – improve each other

Sample sentence: In a supportive work environment, employees inspire and help each other to grow and improve.
Japanese translation: サポートのある職場環境では、従業員がお互いに刺激を与え、成長や向上を手助けします。

お互いにフォローしませんか? – Shall we follow each other?

Sample sentence: After the meeting, let’s exchange business cards and follow each other on professional networking platforms.
Japanese translation: ミーティングの後、名刺を交換し、プロのネットワーキングプラットフォームでお互いにフォローしましょうか?

お互い様 – Mutual respect

Sample sentence: In negotiations, it’s important to maintain mutual respect and find win-win solutions.
Japanese translation: 交渉では、お互い様の尊重を保ち、Win-Winの解決策を見つけることが重要です。

提供:中級・上級者向けビジネス英会話 @English/アットイングリッシュ




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