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【中上級者】『可能性が高い』7種類の英語表現| ビジネス、英語面接での話し方

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highly likely

ニュアンス: 非常に高い確率で何かが起こる可能性があることを示します。確実性に近い状況で使われます。

例文: It’s highly likely that the project will be approved by the board next week.


strong likelihood

ニュアンス: 起こる可能性が強いことを示す、ややフォーマルな表現です。高い確率を暗示します。

例文: There is a strong likelihood that we will achieve our sales targets this quarter.


very likely

ニュアンス: 何かが起こる可能性がかなり高いことを意味します。ややカジュアルな表現です。

例文: It’s very likely that we’ll need to hire more staff for the upcoming project.



ニュアンス: 高確率で何かが起こることを意味します。フォーマルな文脈でも使われますが、確実ではないことを示唆します。

例文: It’s probable that we’ll see an increase in demand for our products next year.


more than likely

ニュアンス: ほぼ確実に近い形で、何かが起こる可能性が非常に高いことを表すカジュアルな表現です。

例文: It’s more than likely that the new policy will improve employee satisfaction.


almost certain

ニュアンス: ほぼ確実に起こることを強調する表現で、確率が非常に高い場合に使われます。

例文: It’s almost certain that the deal will be finalized by the end of the month.


high probability

ニュアンス: ある出来事の確率が高いことを意味し、フォーマルな文脈で使われます。

例文: There is a high probability that our competitors will introduce a similar product soon.




It’s highly likely that we will exceed our sales targets this quarter due to increased demand.



There is a strong likelihood that we’ll secure the contract with the new client after the next negotiation round.



Given the current market trends, it’s very likely that our competitors will introduce similar products within the next year.



It’s more than likely that we’ll need to adjust our pricing strategy to remain competitive.




It’s highly likely that my background in project management will enable me to contribute effectively to your team’s upcoming initiatives.



Based on my research, there is a strong likelihood that the market will continue to grow, and I am confident that I can help your company take advantage of this trend.



It’s probable that my skills in digital transformation will play a key role in driving the success of your upcoming projects.



There’s a high probability that my experience in international markets will help your company expand into new regions.

