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知っ得!英語表現『ジャニーズ性加害問題』 ネイティブ英会話で、虐待・ハラスメント・メディアの忖度を語る アットイングリッシュ


今回は、アットイングリッシュで扱った 2023年のニュース、「ジャニーズ性的虐待問題と、海外の芸能界や放送局での類似事件」についてのディスカッションを元に、英語の基礎用語とネイティブの英語表現をご紹介していきます。







1980年代 ジャニーズ事務所の元タレントが喜多川氏からの性被害を訴える手記を出版。
1999年  週刊文春が喜多川氏の行為に関する報道を行い、これに対し、ジャニーズ事務所が名誉毀損で訴えた。
2002年  東京地裁が「セクハラ」があったとする記述を真実と認めない、とする判決。
2003年  東京高裁が「セクハラ」を認める判決
2004年  最高裁判所は、ジャニー喜多川氏の行為が「真実」と裁定。



2023年3月 BBCが制作した、喜多川氏の性加害事件を取り上げたドキュメンタリー『J-POPの捕食者 秘められたスキャンダル』を放送。

2023年4月 元ジャニーズJr.のカウアン・オカモト氏が記者会見を行い、15歳から退所までの間に喜多川から15-20回の性暴力を受けたと告発。カウアン氏は日本のマスコミがこの問題を報じにくいと指摘しながらも、国際的な注目を呼ぶことで変化が起こることを期待していると語りました。

2023年4月 藤島ジュリー景子社長が謝罪動画を公開。

2023年9月 東山紀之新社長ら、幹部が記者会見。

海外メディアの動きや、Youtube などでの暴露もあり、2023年になって、ようやく大きな問題としてメディアでも取り上げられるようになりました。




Johnny & Associates, Inc. – ジャニーズ事務所

a large talent agency – 大手芸能事務所

The founder – 創設者
Johnny Kitagawa – ジャニー喜多川

President – 社長
Noriyuki Higashiyama – 東山紀之(現社長)

Former president – 前社長
Julie Keiko Fujishima – 藤島ジュリー景子(前社長)
Mary Yasuko Fujishima – 藤島メリー泰子(以前の社長)

Former vice president – 前副社長
Suguru Shirahase – 白波瀬傑(前副社長)

United Nations Human Rights Council – 国連人権理事会

British Broadcasting Corporation – イギリスBBC

The Secret Scandal of J-Pop – J-POPの捕食者 秘められたスキャンダル


a serial sexual abuser – 連続性的虐待犯
The abuse of boys and young men – 少年や青年に対する虐待
ongoing sexual assaults on male talent – 男性タレントへの継続的な性的暴行
continued abuse of talent – タレントへの連続的な虐待
blatant sexual assault – あからさまな性的暴行
be vulnerable to abuse – 特に虐待を受けやすい
stigma around sexual abuse – 性的虐待にまつわるスティグマまたは恥の文化
victims traumatized in this manner – このような方法でトラウマを受けた被害者
abetting that abuse – 虐待を幇助する
emboldens the abusers – 虐待者を助長する


to build their careers – キャリアを築くため
Their careers would suffer badly – キャリアに大打撃を与える
They probably want to keep their jobs – 仕事を続けたいと考えているかもしれません


You can’t force someone to come forward – 虐待について名乗り出ることを強制することはできません
consequences of coming forward – 名乗り出ることの結果や後果



power dynamics – パワーダイナミクスまたは権力関係
resulting in abuses of power – 権力の乱用を引き起こしてきた
industry executives – 業界のエグゼクティブまたは業界幹部
positions of power – 権力の座
removal of the offending parties from their positions of power – 加害者を権力の座から取り除くこと
those in positions of power – 権力の座にある人々


to deal with sexual harassment – セクシャルハラスメントに対処する
to eradicate this behaviour – このような行為を根絶する
they will feel safe and supported – 彼らが安全でサポートされていると感じられる
convicted offenders – 有罪判決を受けた犯罪者
an independent investigative panel – 独立調査委員会
a large problem worldwide – 世界中で大きな問題
take a stand – 立ち上がる
without fear of reprisal – 報復を恐れることなく


media complicity – メディアの共犯
turned a blind eye to sexual harassment – セクハラを見て見ぬふりをしてきた
Media companies are reluctant to __ – メディアは~することを躊躇している
make waves – 波風を立てる
they had a lot to gain by remaining silent – 沈黙を守ることで多くを得る


This issue has gained significant attention – この問題が大きく注目されてきた
need to be taken seriously – 真剣に受け止める必要があります
law enforcement – 法的機関
Initiate a consulting service – コンサルティングサービスを開始する
Simply put – 端的に言えば
There are multiple factors at play – 複数の要因が影響している
not enough was done – 十分な対策が取られていなかった
we need to change the culture – 文化を変える必要がある
my personal opinion is that __ – 私の個人的な意見としては__
There is no excuse for __ – __には弁解の余地はない


1. Sexual assaults and abuses of power in the media industry are, unfortunately, a large problem worldwide. Johnny Kitagawa, the founder of a large talent agency, was investigated for sexually abusing many of his young male employees.
(いいね: a large problem worldwide)
(いいね: the founder of a large talent agency)

2. Despite allegations regarding his behaviors having been reported in the media for many decades, it has only recently been that this issue has gained significant attention. The fact that it took this long reveals how much power and influence these agencies wield.
(いいね: for many decades)
(いいね: this issue has gained significant attention)
(いいね: how much power and influence these agencies wield)

3. Accusations of sexual abuse or misconduct need to be taken seriously.
(いいね: __ need to be taken seriously)

4. This article details the sordid history of ongoing sexual assaults on male talent that occurred over a forty-year period, perpetrated by Mr. Johnny Kitagawa, the founder of the talent agency bearing his name.
(いいね: the sordid history)
(いいね: ongoing sexual assaults on male talent)
(いいね: over a forty-year period)
(いいね: bearing his name)

5. The article also describes how media, law enforcement, entertainment officials, and society in general, failed the hundreds of victims, and urges that several recommendations of an independent investigative panel be adopted, including assistance for victims.
(いいね: law enforcement)
(いいね: society in general)
(いいね: an independent investigative panel)

6. The article states that Japan’s central government will initiate a consulting service to deal with sexual harassment in the entertainment industry and sexual assault of male victims.
(いいね: __ initiate a consulting service)
(いいね: to deal with sexual harassment)

Q. ジャニーズ性加害問題に見られるように、芸能界ではしばしば、あるいは長期にわたる性的虐待が問題になります。これはなぜだと思いますか?

1. Simply put, society has, for far too many years, turned a blind eye to sexual harassment in the entertainment industry, resulting in abuses of power by those holding influential positions.
(いいね: Simply put,)
(いいね: for far too many years)
(いいね: turned a blind eye to sexual harassment)
(いいね: resulting in abuses of power)

2. Actors and actresses were coerced to perform sexual favours with the promise of accelerated stardom, or the threat that, if they refused, their careers would suffer badly.
(いいね: __ were coerced to __)
(いいね: their careers would suffer badly)

3. That’s a very difficult question to answer, since there are multiple factors at play. First and foremost, I think that young people working in the entertainment industry are especially vulnerable to abuse.
(いいね: there are multiple factors at play)
(いいね: __ are especially vulnerable to abuse)

4. They are trying to build their careers and are very dependent on their agencies and employers to help them do this. They might fear that they will lose work if they make a complaint.
(いいね: to build their careers)
(いいね: they will lose work)
(いいね: if they make a complaint)

5. Also, media companies are probably reluctant to “make waves” by complaining on behalf of anyone, since they also depend on these agencies for performers.
(いいね: __ are probably reluctant to __)
(いいね: make waves)

Q. 類似する海外の性加害事件(アメリカのハーヴェイ・ワインスタイン事件やイギリスのジミー・サヴィル事件)を知っていますか?これらの事件でよく見られるパワー・ダイナミクス(権力の構造)についてどう感じますか?



1. I’m familiar with both of these notorious cases. The power dynamics were, for many years, skewed heavily in favour of the industry executives who abused their talent, because authorities and media accepted the behaviour as “standard in that industry,” rather than as blatant sexual assault.
(いいね: I’m familiar with both of these notorious cases)
(いいね: skewed heavily in favour of the industry executives)
(いいね: standard in that industry)
(いいね: blatant)

2. It really worries me that these older men in positions of power were able to abuse children and young women for so long before anything was done about it.
(いいね: these older men in positions of power)
(いいね: before anything was done about it)

3. It’s clear that not enough was done to protect these children and actresses from abuse in the first place, or make sure that they felt safe enough to report what had happened.
(いいね: not enough was done)
(いいね: in the first place)
(いいね: they felt safe enough to __)

4. I think that, unfortunately, there’s still a lot of stigma around sexual abuse, and many victims fear the consequences of coming forward, especially when they think that nobody will believe them. I hope that our society changes for the better.
(いいね: there’s still a lot of stigma)
(いいね: the consequences of coming forward)
(いいね: I hope that our society changes for the better)

Q. 「メディアの共犯」について。この種の事件において、メディアはどのような役割を果たすべきだと思いますか?

1. I believe that media complicity aided and abetted the continued abuse of talent in the entertainment industry for several decades.
(いいね: media complicity)
(いいね: the continued abuse of talent)
(いいね: for several decades)

2. Had they reported these despicable acts aggressively, it would have forced drastic changes in industry behaviour and removal of the offending parties from their positions of power, which might have significantly reduced the number of victims traumatized in this manner.
(いいね: Had they reported __, it would have forced drastic changes __)
(いいね: removal of the offending parties from their positions of power)
(いいね: victims traumatized in this manner)

3. I think that it’s important for anyone who becomes aware of these kinds of crimes or misconduct to report them.
(いいね: anyone who becomes aware of these kinds of crimes)

4. The fact that the media did nothing for so many years doesn’t surprise me, since they had a lot to gain by remaining silent.
(いいね: The fact that __ doesn’t surprise me)
(いいね: They had a lot to gain by remaining silent)

5. While it’s clear that we need to change the culture in our entertainment industries, the only way that this is going to happen is if people, especially those in positions of power, like media companies, take a stand and refuse to work with anyone who abuses or mistreats their staff.
(いいね: we need to change the culture)
(いいね: the only way that this is going to happen is __)
(いいね: those in positions of power)
(いいね: take a stand)

Q. 名乗り出ている被害者がいる一方で、今もジャニーズ事務所に所属したまま沈黙を守り、キャリアを続けている有名人もおり、その中には被害者もいるかもしれません。このバランスをどう取っていくべきだと思いますか?

1. This is a sensitive matter, involving many different personalities, each with his or her own tolerance for the pressures associated with coming forward and reporting abuse, considering the potential impact upon their personal and professional lives.
(いいね: This is a sensitive matter)
(いいね: the pressures associated with coming forward and reporting abuse)

2. However, my personal opinion is that, if you choose to say nothing and continue working for your abusers, you are also aiding and abetting that abuse. While speaking out may be stressful, not doing so not only causes you greater long-term stress, but also emboldens the abusers to continue this behaviour.
(いいね: my personal opinion is that __)
(いいね: abetting that abuse)
(いいね: emboldens the abusers to continue this behaviour)

3. You can’t force someone to come forward and speak about their abuse. While it’s likely that there are still some victims among the celebrities who have stuck by Johnny’s & Associates, there’s nothing that anyone can do about this, other than try to create an environment where they will feel safe and supported if they choose to come forward in the future.
(いいね: You can’t force someone to come forward)
(いいね: there’s nothing that anyone can do about this)
(いいね: they will feel safe and supported)

4. I’m not surprised that some people have remained with the agency, since they probably want to keep their jobs. The entertainment industry is very competitive, and they might think that they can’t get job satisfaction elsewhere.
(いいね: I’m not surprised that __)
(いいね: they probably want to keep their jobs)

Q. ジャニーズの性加害問題や他の性的虐待などの事件から、今後、ハラスメントや虐待を防ぐために、タレント、芸能事務所、メディア、社会はどのように変わるべきでしょうか?

1. I believe it’s imperative that our governments provide much greater support for potential victims of sexual abuse, by substantially increasing punishment for both convicted offenders and those who are aware of these offenses but say nothing.
(いいね: it’s imperative that __)
(いいね: by substantially increasing punishment)
(いいね: convicted offenders)

2. There is no excuse for these blatant abuses of power, in any industry or organization, and as a society, we must pressure our governments, law enforcement, and media to work together to eradicate this behaviour.
(いいね: There is no excuse for __)
(いいね: to eradicate this behaviour)

3. The most important thing that we can learn from this incident is how vulnerable young people in the entertainment industry are. We need to put more support in place to make sure that performers, especially young ones, feel safe and are not worried about the consequences of reporting abuse or mistreatment.
(いいね: We need to put more support in place to __)

4. This is one of the few industries in developed countries that employs children and young teens, and we need to take steps to protect these vulnerable people.
(いいね: we need to take steps to protect these vulnerable people)

5. We also need to ensure that adults are able to report abuse or misconduct without fear of reprisal.
(いいね: without fear of reprisal)




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