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This will help set a positive tone(これでポジティブな雰囲気が生まれるでしょう)を活用|ビジネス会議、英語面接、オンライン英会話での使い方

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「This will help set a positive tone」は、「これでポジティブな雰囲気が生まれるでしょう」という意味になります。



Starting the meeting with good news will help set a positive tone. We want to encourage everyone to participate.

Acknowledging everyone’s efforts will help set a positive tone. This fosters a collaborative environment.

Addressing concerns promptly will help set a positive tone. It shows that we value open communication.

Providing constructive feedback will help set a positive tone. It promotes continuous improvement.

Recognizing achievements publicly will help set a positive tone. It motivates the entire team.


Wearing a superhero cape to the meeting will help set a positive tone. It’ll make everyone smile!


類義表現・類似表現:This will contribute to a positive atmosphere, This will create a positive vibe.
対義語・反対語:This will set a negative tone, This will create a tense atmosphere.


Initiating our dialogue with mutual acknowledgments will aid in establishing a harmonious ambience. It fosters a sense of unity and understanding.


Sharing some fun facts at the beginning of the class will help set a positive tone. It makes learning more enjoyable.

Appreciating each student’s input will help set a positive tone. It encourages active participation.

Starting with a cheerful greeting will help set a positive tone. It creates a friendly learning environment.

Addressing students by their names will help set a positive tone. It makes the class more personalized.

Setting clear goals for each lesson will help set a positive tone. It helps in maintaining focus and motivation.


Stating my career objectives at the outset will help set a positive tone. It demonstrates my clarity and focus.

Expressing my enthusiasm for the role will help set a positive tone. It shows my motivation and commitment.

Mentioning my relevant experiences early on will help set a positive tone. It establishes my suitability for the position.

Acknowledging the company’s achievements will help set a positive tone. It demonstrates my knowledge and appreciation of the organization.

Providing concise and relevant answers will help set a positive tone. It showcases my communication skills and preparation.


Offering a warm welcome to our international colleagues will help set a positive tone. It fosters a sense of camaraderie and mutual respect.

Outlining the agenda clearly will help set a positive tone. It helps in managing time effectively and keeping the meeting focused.

Addressing any technical issues promptly will help set a positive tone. It shows our professionalism and attention to detail.

Encouraging participation and open discussion will help set a positive tone. It promotes inclusivity and collaborative problem-solving.

Showing appreciation for diverse perspectives will help set a positive tone. It values the contribution of every member and enriches the conversation.


「This will help set a positive tone」はポジティブで協力的な環境を創出する意図を示す表現ですが、適切なコンテキストで使用することが重要です。このフレーズが実際の行動や結果と一致しない場合、信頼性を損なう可能性があります。また、相手が期待する「ポジティブな雰囲気」と自分の定義が異なる可能性も考慮し、具体的かつ適切なコミュニケーションが求められます。






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