「foster collaboration and communication」は、日本語で「協力とコミュニケーションを促進する」と訳されます。ビジネスや英語面接、オンライン英会話のクラスでは、チーム内の連携を強化し、効果的なコミュニケーションを推進する際に使われる表現です。
i) In order to achieve our project goals, it is crucial to foster collaboration and communication among team members.
ii) Our company’s success depends on our ability to foster collaboration and communication across different departments.
iii) By hosting regular team-building activities, we aim to foster collaboration and communication.
iv) Implementing an open-door policy is one way to foster collaboration and communication.
v) Fostering collaboration and communication is key to resolving conflicts and enhancing workplace synergy.
To foster collaboration and communication, we’re introducing ‘Mingle Mondays’ where everyone gets to discuss non-work-related topics.
類義表現:promote teamwork and dialogue, enhance cooperation and interaction
対義語・反対語:hinder collaboration and communication, obstruct teamwork and dialogue
To facilitate an environment of mutual respect and understanding, it is imperative to foster collaboration and communication.
i) In this class, we aim to foster collaboration and communication through group activities.
ii) Encouraging participation is essential to foster collaboration and communication among students.
iii) By sharing your thoughts, you contribute to fostering collaboration and communication in our online community.
iv) Fostering collaboration and communication is key to a rewarding online learning experience.
v) This platform is designed to foster collaboration and communication, making distance learning more effective.
i) In my previous role, I initiated weekly team meetings to foster collaboration and communication.
ii) I believe fostering collaboration and communication is essential for a company’s innovation and growth.
iii) One of my strengths is fostering collaboration and communication by creating an inclusive work environment.
iv) I have experience in using digital tools to foster collaboration and communication among remote teams.
v) Addressing individual needs and concerns helps in fostering collaboration and communication within the team.
i) To overcome cultural differences, it is essential for us to foster collaboration and communication.
ii) Utilizing this platform, we can foster collaboration and communication, ensuring project success.
iii) It is our shared responsibility to foster collaboration and communication to meet our objectives.
iv) Fostering collaboration and communication will help us overcome challenges and optimize our strategies.
v) Let’s use the breakout rooms feature to foster collaboration and communication during this virtual meeting.
「foster collaboration and communication」という表現は、ポジティブな印象を与えますが、具体的な行動や方法が伴わない場合、抽象的であると感じられる可能性があります。したがって、この表現を使用する際は、具体的なアクションやインパクトも一緒に伝えると、より効果的です。また、異なる文化や背景を持つ人々とコミュニケートする際には、相手のニーズや価値観に配慮し、適切なコミュニケーション方法を選ぶことが重要です。