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ビジネス英語サプリ #3: 「コロナ感染拡大」基礎英語と、「コロナ前後」を表わす38表現

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Even before the pandemic began,


Even before the pandemic began, employees were feeling undervalued and underappreciated. Now companies are having to pay up. Employees are demanding a better wage and working environment.
パンデミックが始まる前でさえ、従業員は過小評価されていたと感じていました。 現在、企業は賃金を上げる必要にせまられています。従業員は、より高い賃金とより良い就労環境を求めています。



新型コロナ: COVID-19 / novel coronavirus
新型コロナによる緊急事態: COVID-19 state of emergency
蔓延防止: preventive measures
自粛: quarantine
基本的予防措置: Take basic precautionary measures
三密: three Cs
密閉: closed spaces
密集: crowded places
密接: close-contact settings
換気: ventilate
コロナワクチン: COVID-19 Vaccines
ワクチン接種を受ける: a vaccine shot
発熱: fever
咳: cough
息切れ: shortness of breath
喉の痛み: sore throat
頭痛: headache

そのほか、感染症の英語 – 厚生労働省 感染症関連日本語英語対訳表 Japanese-English translation for words and terms on infectious diseases.より

日本語表記(正式名) 英語表記(仮訳)
Japanese English Translation
感染症の予防及び感染症の患者に対する医療に関する法律 Act on the Prevention of Infectious Diseases and Medical Care for Patients with Infectious Diseases (the Infectious Diseases Control Law)
検疫法 Quarantine Act
政令 Cabinet Order
省令 Order
施行規則 Regulation for Enforcement
施行令 Enforcement Order
感染症発生動向調査事業実施要綱 Implementation manual for the National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases Program
感染症発生動向調査 National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID)
感染症発生動向調査事業 National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) Program
感染症発生動向調査システム National Epidemiological Surveillance of Infectious Diseases (NESID) System
積極的疫学調査 Active epidemiological investigation
病原体検査要領 Pathogen Testing Guidelines
検疫感染症 Quarantinable Infectious Diseases
新型インフルエンザ等感染症 Pandemic Influenza (Novel Influenza or Re-emerging Influenza)
新型インフルエンザ Pandemic Influenza (Novel Influenza)
新感染症 New Infectious Disease
再興型インフルエンザ Re-emerging Influenza
指定感染症 Designated infectious diseases
全数把握 Notifiable disease surveillance
定点把握 Sentinel surveillance
患者定点 Patient sentinel sites
小児科定点 Pediatric sentinel sites
インフルエンザ定点 Influenza sentinel sites
内科定点 Internal medicine sentinel sites
性感染症定点 Sexually transmitted infections sentinel sites (STI sentinel sites)
眼科定点 Ophthalmology sentinel sites
基幹定点 Designated sentinel sites
病原体定点 Sentinel sites for laboratory-based surveillance
病原体個票 Case-based pathogenic agent report form
報告基準 Reporting criteria
中央感染症情報センター Central infectious disease surveillance center
地方感染症情報センター Local infectious disease surveillance center
基幹地方感染症情報センター Designated prefectural infectious disease surveillance center
感染症発生動向調査委員会 Infectious disease surveillance committee
中央感染症発生動向調査委員会 Central infectious disease surveillance committee
地方感染症発生動向調査委員会 Prefectural infectious disease surveillance committee
地方衛生研究所 Public Health Institute
保健所 Public Health Center
健康局長 Director-General of the Health Services Bureau
特別区 special ward
本庁 head office
二次医療圏 secondary medical area
教育委員会 Board of education
一類感染症 Category I Infectious Diseases
二類感染症 Category II Infectious Diseases
三類感染症 Category III Infectious Diseases
四類感染症 Category IV Infectious Diseases
五類感染症 Category V Infectious Diseases
一種病原体 Class I pathogens
二種病原体 Class II pathogens
三種病原体 Class III pathogens
四種病原体 Class IV pathogens
医療機関(診療所も含む) medical facility
医師会 medical association
調査単位 reporting interval
指定届出機関 Designated notification facility
指定提出機関 Designated submitting facility




I have more time to spend with my family and I feel that my relationship with my daughter and my son is closer than it was before the pandemic started.

The price was twice what it cost before the pandemic occurred.

The Japanese government was encouraging people to work from home or change their commute time, even before the pandemic hit.

The Japanese economy is on the rise again. We’re probably at about 80 to 90 percent of the economic performance before the pandemic struck.
日本経済は再び上昇しています。 パンデミックが発生する前のおそらく経済パフォーマンスの約80〜90パーセントに達しています。

Before the pandemic, we went somewhere every year but we haven’t gone anywhere in the last two years

We shifted from a paper-based process to a digitalized one even before the pandemic.

It’s a good thing because it makes grocery shopping more accessible for people who couldn’t visit the supermarkets because of physical problems or disabilities even before the covid 19 outbreak.

The demand for paper is much weaker now than it was before the covid pandemic.

Before the coronavirus pandemic, I attended international conferences at least twice a year.

The delivery services will probably still be busier than they were before the covid pandemic occurred.

Prior to the pandemic, manpower was in short supply and labor costs were escalating. An example of this is the restaurant industry, they couldn’t hire new staff or even part-timers.
パンデミックが発生する前は、人的資源が不足しており、人件費が高騰していました。 この一例はレストラン業界であり、新しいスタッフを雇うことも、パートタイマーを雇うことさえできませんでした。



Since the pandemic began, I’ve been working from home almost every day.

Since the pandemic, many companies have changed the way that they do business.

With the pandemic, my company has issued a guideline stopping all casual work events.

With the spread of the coronavirus, we have been conducting our classes online.

Since the coronavirus outbreak started, I have been working from home two days a week.

Airlines will face financial difficulties as a result of the coronavirus.



Compared to the situation before the pandemic, students’ enjoyment of school only dropped by ten percent.

The number of infections has spiked recently, but senior management is acting as if the pandemic did not exist.

It, therefore, makes sense that they’d reduce the number of staff they’re recruiting, compared to the pre-pandemic numbers.

Most companies will need to find a middle ground between their current practices and the way that things were before the pandemic.



Most of the companies who responded to the survey will maintain telecommuting but some companies want to return to the way things were before the pandemic.

The lifting of the restrictions was great news for the hospitality industry to move forward, and for people to get out again as before the pandemic.

It’s not fully back to the way it was before the pandemic.

I’d like to continue using online tools for business purposes, but with regards to things like drinkings parties, many people are bored of them so I think in that respect things will return to how they were before the pandemic.

I agree with you that it would be impossible to turn back the clock and do things the way people used to do them before the pandemic arrived.

Japan hasn’t yet recovered to the same economic level as before the pandemic began.

Once the state of emergency has been lifted, I think we will see that life after the virus will have somewhat changed.


コロナ後、パンデミック後 I think that when the pandemic ends, people will use the delivery service less often than they do now, because they will enjoy being able to dine at the restaurants again. パンデミックが終わると、レストランで再び食事ができるようになるので、人々は今よりも配達サービスを利用することが少なくなると思います。 Once the pandemic ends, I'd like to go back to working at the office but I don't think I need to commute every day. パンデミックが終わったら、オフィスでの仕事に戻りたいですが、毎日通勤する必要はないと思います。 Our company will continue with a remote work policy after the pandemic. 当社は、パンデミック後も、在宅勤務の方針を継続します。 These days the number of customers has begun increasing, due to things stabilizing again after the coronavirus recession. 最近では、コロナによる不況後、物事が再び安定したため、顧客数が増加し始めています。 Our experience with the coronavirus has ultimately alter the lifestyle we once knew. コロナウイルスに関する私たちの経験は、私たちがかつて知っていたライフスタイルを変えてしまいました。 I will continue to telework even after the pandemic is over. パンデミックが終わった後もテレワークを続けると思います。 We have been very concerned about how our company will come out of the coronavirus outbreak. 私たちは、私たちの会社がコロナウイルスの発生からどのように抜け出すのか、非常に心配してきました。 Once the state of emergency has been lifted, I think we will see that life after the virus will have somewhat changed. 非常事態宣言が解除されたら、コロナ後の生活が何かしら変わっていることに気付くと思います。 The demand for these services may not recover after the pandemic to the same level as it was before. パンデミック後、これらのサービスへの需要は、以前と同じレベルまで回復しない可能性があります。 Online meetings will continue to gain in popularity after the pandemic ends. パンデミックが終わった後も、オンライン会議の人気は高まり続けるでしょう。

I think that when the pandemic ends, people will use the delivery service less often than they do now, because they will enjoy being able to dine at the restaurants again.

Once the pandemic ends, I’d like to go back to working at the office but I don’t think I need to commute every day.

Our company will continue with a remote work policy after the pandemic.

These days the number of customers has begun increasing, due to things stabilizing again after the coronavirus recession.

Our experience with the coronavirus has ultimately altered the lifestyle we once knew.

I will continue to telework even after the pandemic is over.

We have been very concerned about how our company will come out of the coronavirus outbreak.

The demand for these services may not recover after the pandemic to the same level as it was before.

Online meetings will continue to gain in popularity after the pandemic ends.

ビジネス英語サプリ #4: stay ahead 「先を行く」を使ったネイティブ例文

ビジネス英語サプリ #2: make sense「完全に理にかなっています」


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