Some people are less keen on it than others.
What’s been suggested to try and turn around our financial situation is a little risky and some people are less keen on it than others. In order for it to succeed we need everyone to buy in. What roadblocks do you foresee?
財政状況を好転させるために出されたその提案は、少し危険であり、一部の人々は、それに乗り気ではありません。それが成功するためには、誰もが賛同する必要があります。 どのような障害が予想されるでしょう?
It seems that there is a return to some more traditional modes of living, with people embracing home life more. Some people are less keen on this than others. I have noticed that some people are more open to nature, for instance putting out seeds for birds on their front lawns, or doing more gardening.
keen を使って、やる気や熱意を表す
keen toを使った英語例文:~したがる
He was keen to know every single detail.
very keen toを使った英語例文:強く思う/非常に熱意がある
I am very keen to work in Research and Development again as this is where my passions lie, and where I believe I can make a real difference.
very keen toを使った英語例文:とても~したい
It is a very good sign that you are keen to get back to work, after having had sufficient holidays.
a keen sense of:非常に~な気持ち(感覚)である
I was able to sail over the hurdle, and now I feel a keen sense of release.
keen interest:強い興味
You should prepare a list of five or six questions you can ask the interviewers to show your keen interest in knowing more about the company.
否定+keen で、乗り気でない気持ちを表す
not too keen toを使った英語例文:さほど乗り気ではありません
I liked watching the original Star Wars series, but I’m not too keen to watch the modern versions of Star Wars.
Not keen onを使った英語例文:~したがらない
I don’t feel there is so much risk about this, but many people are not keen on using cash cards or e-money because of certain bad guys who may be around.
Last winter he enjoyed playing soccer but this year his mindset has changed and I’m not sure why he’s not keen on it.