…is at the heart of ~
ちなみに、strike at the heart of the matter で、問題の核心を突く、という使い方もできます。
Employee satisfaction is at the heart of any successful business. We check in often with our employees to see what can be done to enrich their enjoyment of being part of the team.
at the heart of(~の核心)を使ったネイティブの英語例文
Communication is at the heart of most jobs. All you need is a bit of vocabulary for ‘soft skills’ or ‘human skills’ as you put it.
Linking your own commitment to eliminating prejudice and empowering patients to AAA Company’s values as a corporation, is great. Interviewers like to hear what motivates a candidate – and I have the impression that “wanting to make a difference” is at the heart of your story!
Nagoya is at the heart of the Japanese car industry.
The core of(~核心)を使ったネイティブの英語例文
Over the entire course of my career, data analysis has always been at the core of my work and, as a manager of inside sales, I found that accurate data analysis is key to success.
※key to success 成功の鍵
I think involvement is the key to success as a team, so as a leader, I try to share the value of our goal and get my team as motivated as I can
I have a strong belief that education is the core of sustainable development in society.
Technical information is of high value to a manufacturing company and is really the core of their business.
Get to the heart of (~の核心を突く)を使ったネイティブの英語例文
It would likely just inflame the situation, as it doesn’t get to the heart of the matter.
When talking about the type of information sources, you said that you preferred to skip meetings with the higher headquarters and preferred to get information from people on the ground. It does show that you like to get to the heart of the problem quickly.
Get to the point (核心を突く)を使ったネイティブの英語例文
Some people are direct and to the point, while others take a few minutes to get to the point.